Worth Watching: New Firearm Safety Video

A new video from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) could be a helpful way to introduce children to the topic of firearms safety.

The “How to Talk to Your Kids about Firearm Safety” video stars champion shooter and mother Julie Golob, and it encourages parents to have “the talk” about firearm safety with their kids sooner rather than later, and provides tips for how to have a helpful discussion.

“Too often, children don’t know what to do if they find a gun,” said Steve Sanetti, President and CEO of NSSF who developed and sponsors the Project ChildSafe firearm safety education program. “This video opens a door for honest conversation and empowers parents to be the authority on gun safety for their kids, whether they have guns in their homes or not.”

The “How to Talk to Your Kids about Firearm Safety” video was created as a resource to start positive and constructive conversations by encouraging discussion rather than lecture, and helps parents responsibly demystify the subject of guns.

“As a mother, I know full well how challenging this conversation can be,” Golob said. “It’s crucial that parents set an example and teach their kids about firearm safety so children don’t learn about guns solely from what their friends say or what they see on video games and TV.”

The video features Golob expressing the importance of adults having gun safety discussions with young people, emphasizing that education on responsible safety and storage is the number one way to prevent firearm accidents in the home. The video has two sections, one for talking with younger children, the other for talking to older kids and teens.

The video expands Project ChildSafe’s safety education resources that encourage safe firearms handling and secure storage by gun owners and their families. Project ChildSafe, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. To learn more about Project ChildSafe, visit projectchildsafe.org.

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