Come see us at Shot Show Booth #42513 Jan 21 - 24

Women Wanting More Safety Turn to Concealed Carry

2017 holds the unpleasant title for the deadliest year for mass shootings in U.S. history.  With 2018 shaping up to be a feasible contender to steal the title, more women are turning to personal firearms as their first line of defense than ever before.

According to the National Carry Academy, there has been a 24 percent rise in women getting their concealed handgun licenses since the Parkland, Florida shooting on February 14th.  It appears that our proverbial “mama bear” instincts are in hyperdrive, as they should be.

It’s no secret, women have an uncanny sense of what is needed to solve problems.  As the ultimate multi-taskers, it should come as no surprise that women are realizing that firearms are the best available tool to eliminate immediate threats.  As Carly Fiorina put it, “Nothing levels the playing field between a 230-pound man and a 120-pound woman like Smith & Wesson.”

Historically, data shows that men account for: 66 percent of all concealed carry permits, 89 percent of all hunting licenses, and 62 percent of gun owners in the U.S.  We get it.  Men love guns.  However, while men seem to own guns for multiple reasons, the number one reason cited by women is… protection.

Protecting yourself, however, can come at a high cost if you are unaware of the varying state laws.  Take for instance, the highly publicized case of Shaneen Allen, the woman who carried her handgun into New Jersey while holding a Pennsylvania concealed carry license.  Allen, a mother of two, spent 48 days in jail and faced up to 5 years in prison before being pardoned by Gov. Chris Christie.

Breaking gun laws comes with hefty price tags and harsh sentences.  Unfortunately, for responsible gun owners, some individual states are making it easier to break laws with confusing and rapid changes to legislature.  The obvious answer for the concealed permit holder would be national reciprocity, however, not every state is keen on giving their blessing.

These days, navigating through “wordy” changes to legislature and deciphering which news station is giving us the unbiased truth, is frankly discouraging.  How can we be certain that we aren’t breaking the law the next time we step foot outside our front door?  We females have enough to worry about, right?

Just look at these statistics.  According to RAINN:

Millions of women in the United States have experienced rape.

  • As of 1998, an estimated 17.7 million American women had been victims of attempted or completed rape.

Young women are especially at risk.

  • 82% of all juvenile victims are female. 90% of adult rape victims are female.
  • Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
  • Women ages 18-24 who are college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence. Females of the same age who are not enrolled in college are 4 times more likely.

With statistics like these, it’s no wonder why women are taking their personal safety into their own hands.  As more women begin to join the 16.3 millions of concealed carry permit holders in America, we will see laws begin to change… in our favor.  As we have seen in the case of Shaneen Allen, the single mother, who endured jail for simply being a gun owner that accidently broke a law… Her mishap has helped fuel the movement that has brought us the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017.

While I do not recommend breaking laws as the vehicle to use in furthering our cause, I do highly advise maintaining your  U.S. LawShield & Texas LawShield membership. U.S. & Texas LawShield will be there to protect you, should you need it.  You can also learn more about the law by attending a U.S. & Texas LawShield Gun Law Seminar where you will hear from knowledgeable attorneys who can instruct you on the law in your state. Find a Gun Law Seminar near you today!


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