Our Law Shield NFA clients will likely not be happy to hear that UPS has begun to enforce a longstanding policy regarding the shipment of suppressors — it will no longer ship the items, even between licensees.
According to a National Shooting Sports Foundation release, NSSF, the NRA, and the American Suppressor Association are working with UPS executives to address their compliance concerns about this policy.
“We are unaware of any thefts or losses that would explain the shipping company’s sudden decision to enforce a prohibition against shipment,” an NSSF statement said.
Steve Gaut, Vice President for Public Relations at United Parcel Service, pointed to the company’s online statement about its suppressor-shipping policy. Law Shield will continue to inform our members as developments in this story occur.
Statement about UPS Policy Regarding Shipment of Silencers
Atlanta, May 19, 2015
UPS accepts for shipment certain firearms, firearms ammunition and firearms accessories as long as the shipments comply with applicable law and are shipped in accordance with company policies. These shipments must be between licensed manufacturers, dealers, collectors and importers and government agencies, or, where not otherwise prohibited by law, between such licensees and individuals, but exclude consumer-to-consumer shipments. UPS has for many years restricted shipments of silencers or mufflers as part of the company’s firearms and ammunition policy. The company’s general policy is available at the following link.
UPS recently became aware of a shipper that tendered silencers for shipment. Consistent with the general policy, UPS informed the company that it could no longer accept shipments of packages containing those specific products. UPS will engage in discussions with licensed manufacturers about ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regarding the potential establishment of a contractual exception to the general policy under which UPS may ship such products. These discussions will occur on a company-by-company basis and are proprietary.
Q. Why did you change the policy?
A. There was no policy change, UPS has for many years excluded shipping silencers as part of our general policy on firearms and related items.
Q. Why single-out silencers?
A. UPS uses the general policy to ensure that appropriate exceptions are carefully reviewed and documented. The general policy exists because there are different laws state-to-state that ban or restrict ownership of silencers. UPS is sensitive to these different statutes and to the existence of National Firearms Act licensing requirements and the Special Occupational Tax associated with these silencers.
We seek to ensure that our customers have in place adequate managerial controls to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. We understand that 11 states currently ban possession of silencers. We must have reasonable confidence, supported by adequate due diligence, to expect that shipments tendered by our customers comply with all laws governing the contents of the package.
The post UPS No Longer Shipping Suppressors appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.