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TAMU and UT Differ on Campus Carry


On the issue of campus carry debated in the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee on February 12, state senators received opposing written statements from the chancellors of the state’s flagship university systems on whether allowing concealed handguns would affect student safety.

University of Texas System Chancellor William McRaven wrote, “There is great concern that the presence of handguns, even if limited to licensed individuals age 21 or older, will lead to an increase in both accidental shootings and self-inflicted wounds.”



Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp said campus carry did not raise safety concerns for him. “The real question is this: ‘Do I trust my students, faculty and staff to work and live responsibly under the same laws at the university as they do at home?’ Of course I do!…”

Sharp added, “This is my personal opinion. The Texas A&M University System will not have a position on this issue, and will not oppose campus carry. We look forward to working with you as this issue moves forward in the Legislature.”

Both Senate Bill 11 (which would lift a ban on concealed handguns at university campuses) and Senate Bill 17 (which would allow license holders to carry holstered handguns openly) passed the Senate State Affairs Committee 7-2 and now proceeds to the full senate.

Download McRaven’s letter here.

Download Sharp’s letter here.

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