
Attention Race Fans! Join Us On The Race Track

Join Us On the Race Track: NASCAR Hall of Fame 2020 Friday, October 30th, 2020 Fox Sports 1, See local listings.  "One of the best things about being American is the freedom that we have every day. We really wanted integrity to be at the forefront of everything we did. That

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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Michigan?

For hundreds of years, it has been legal for Americans to manufacture their own firearms. Let’s address a recent debate in the media: “ghost guns.”

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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Tennessee?

For hundreds of years, it has been legal for Americans to manufacture their own firearms. Let’s address a recent debate in the media: “ghost guns.”

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Criminals Target Hunters? Your Guns Are In Their Sights…

This time of year is a favorite among hunters, hikers, and criminals... What should you do if you find your vehicle broken into, windows smashed, and your gun is missing? Better yet, what could you have done to avoid this, if anything?

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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In New Mexico

What Is A Ghost Gun? A “Ghost Gun” is a term created by the media to refer to a firearm made by a private individual and not purchased via a federal firearms dealer. The common characteristic (or lack thereof) that brands a firearm with the title “Ghost Gun” is the absence of a

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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Ohio

Hello, Ohio LawShield members. It's Wilkes Ellsworth, your Independent Program Attorney here today to discuss a highly debated topic and one I get asked about quite a bit. Now, some of you more versed in firearms than others might've already heard of or know about my topic today, but there are many

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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In South Carolina

Let’s address the issue of “so-called” Ghost Guns here in the State of South Carolina. There has been a debate raging though-out the United States about ghost guns over the past several years. What Is A Ghost Gun? First let’s start with what a ghost gun is. A ghost gun is a

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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Colorado?

For hundreds of years, it has been legal for Americans to manufacture their own firearms. However, federal and state laws have become more restrictive in the wake of highly publicized firearm related incidents and significant improvements in firearm technology. So today, let’s address a debate that has been raging over the years,

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Webinar Roundup: 3 Common Misconceptions Every Gun Owner Needs To Know

In this webinar roundup, watch 3 videos that highlight essential 2A and self-defense information all gun owners MUST know during this extended time of uncertainty...

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Webinar Roundup: 3 Common Misconceptions Every Gun Owner Needs To Know

In this webinar roundup, watch 3 videos that highlight essential 2A and self-defense information all gun owners MUST know during this extended time of uncertainty...

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Who Can Be Trusted to Not Infringe? The 2020 Election Promises Made By The Major Political Parties.

As voters, how do we know what a candidate for the highest office will do to uphold the Constitution? We examined the party platforms to find exactly what has been written, promised, and presented in each party.

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