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Stolen Firearm! It Happens More Than You Think | Oklahoma

The following video is a transcript.


Misplacing or losing a gun can happen in a number of ways. For example, if the gun is stolen, it could be sold on the black market, purchased by a criminal, and later used to commit a crime such as armed robbery or murder. The police in Oklahoma will accept a report of a lost or stolen gun.

If the stolen gun shows up at a crime scene, the serial number will allow law enforcement to trace it back to the original purchaser from a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer (FFL). If the gun is found at the scene of a murder, robbery, or other crime, the owner connected to the serial number will have to answer questions related to the gun and the owner’s involvement with the crime. He or she could become suspect number one.


There is no firearm registration in Oklahoma and there is no legal duty to report a lost or stolen gun to the police. However, imprudent behavior on the part of the gun owner could cause severe repercussions should he or she irresponsibly manage his or her firearm, lose it, and fail to report the loss to authorities. When the theft or loss is discovered, the gun owner should attempt to recover the gun. Sometimes that is impossible due to the circumstances surrounding the loss or theft.

If your firearm has been stolen, we recommend you report the theft immediately. When reporting, you will be asked to provide information regarding the make, model, and serial number of your gun. Doing so ensures that your firearm is entered into the stolen firearm database. This allows law enforcement to determine if any recovered firearms are the product of a theft and allows them to take steps to return your lost, stolen, or misplaced firearm to you.


When you buy your gun, it would be wise to record the make, model, serial number, and year of manufacture as well as any unique identifying accessories, physical marks, or modifications, and the location and date of purchase. Although not required, reporting your lost or stolen firearm to local law enforcement can prevent any damage to your concealed carry rights and eliminates suspicion of your participation in a crime.

If the gun should be involved in a crime or in an illegal manner, you are not automatically criminally or civilly liable because of the loss or the theft. However, it is good practice to have reported the lost or stolen gun prior to the criminal event. Responsible gun owners will want to avoid the disparagement of their character by the media if a gun purchased by them is used in a heinous crime and the ownership of the gun is linked to their name.

If you have any questions about these topics, do not hesitate to call U.S. LawShield and ask to speak to your Independent Program Attorney.


A gun is stolen from a responsibly armed American like you every 52 seconds. Stay one step ahead of the legal nightmare you’ll face if someone commits a crime with your stolen firearm. Call or log into your member portal today to add Gunowner Identity Theft coverage to your U.S. LawShield membership.

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