Rules You Must Know When Inheriting Firearms in Colorado

I want to talk today about inheriting firearms. The question I am frequently asked is, whether or not you have to register an inherited firearm. There’s no requirement in Colorado to register firearms at all, so that would be a big no. Now, whether or not you need to have an FFL involved in the transfer is another question. In Colorado, there’s no requirement for you to use an FFL if it’s a transfer of the firearm between immediate family members—parent, child, brother, sister—that sort of thing.

Something else to keep in mind is that there are state and federal exemptions to using an FFL to assist with the transfer of a firearm following the death of a loved one. This is a very technical area of the law and is case-specific, so please reach out and talk to us before you try to do this on your own.

Now, in terms of an antique firearm, if your firearm qualifies as an antique, you don’t need to use an FFL at all. There are very specific federal requirements to determine whether or not your firearm is a relic or an antique, call my office to discuss those requirements.

The last thing to discuss is, whether or not you are prohibited from owning a firearm. You could be prohibited for a number of reasons. One, you have a prior felony conviction or a conviction for domestic violence. In those situations, there’s no way for you to get a firearm legally, unless you have a pardon, either from the President of the United States or the governor of your state, depending on where the conviction was. Two, you could be prohibited due to some sort of mental health or addiction issue. If the prohibition is due to either some sort of mental health or addiction issue, there are ways to appeal that. We’ve been successful in helping clients with that in the past, and you’re welcome to call my office to get some information on that.

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