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Restaurant Robbed, Owner Takes This Pro-2A Action

Papa Roux, a popular Cajun restaurant in Indianapolis, was robbed this weekend by a man alleging to have a gun. Fortunately, due in large part to the staff’s professional response, nobody was injured.

Owner Art Bouvier decided to take action to reduce the chances of ever getting robbed again. He is now offering a discount to anyone who shows their carry permit.

“We’re not saying, ‘Show us your gun.’ But if you’re a legal and stable carrier of a concealed carry license, I’m going to reward that. To me, it’s common sense. And until further notice, you’ll get 25 percent off your bill.”

U.S. Law Shield commends this business owner and his common sense approach to reducing crime. Papa Roux has seen an increase in business since announcing their pro-carry discount.

Read the full story here

U.S. Law Shield loves to recognize and build relationships with pro-2A businesses. Visit our 2A Discount Program page to view Texas businesses that offer discounts to Law Shield members. If you own a business, and are interested in listing your business in our 2A Discount Program, please contact us.

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