Military-Spouse Protection: A Common-Sense Gun Law

Under current federal law, active-duty service members can purchase handguns in any state without being state residents — but that law does not extend to their spouses. Legislation offered by Rep. Scott Rigell, R-Va., would change that, and the measure seems like a common-sense gun law.

Rigell drafted the legislation in response to Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threats targeted at military spouses and family members.

Rigell said in a statement, “Considering the threats we face from Islamic extremists, foreign and domestic, and lone wolves, it is prudent that our military families have the tools they need to protect their loved ones. Spouses should be able to purchase handguns in the state where their husband or wife is stationed. They have the right to protect themselves, and this bill allows them to fully exercise their second amendment right.”

In essence, his proposed rules would put active-duty service members and their spouses on equal footing when purchasing a firearm.

Click here to read the bill.

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