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Member Perk: A Girl and A Gun

In this edition of Member Perks, learn about A Girl and A Gun from none other than Julianna Crowder, the founder and spirit behind the group. Also, watch to view the footage of their recent 6th annual national conference in Burnet, Texas.

Her Story

JULIANNA: I was a firearms instructor for going on 5 years, and I was not seeing my business grow with the female market like I thought it would. So, I started identifying the no’s that I was getting from women—either no time, no money in the family budget, they were not interested, or they felt they knew enough. I addressed all of those no’s and turned them into a fun “yes”; a girl’s night out at the range—no pressure, no expectations. Just come out and give it a try.

Our Girl and a Gun national conference is our biggest event of the year. It is something that is very special to us because we bring women in of all training levels, abilities, and interest, and we provide them with opportunities to see what realistic training is; when you go into a big group class and usually you are the only girl in a group of 20 guys. So, it provides the opportunity to meet instructors and to find out what it’s like to be out on the range. Depending on the woman that comes to AGAG event, she has different goals in mind. Some of that might be just to learn how to use a firearm for personal defense, some want to learn for the recreation and competition aspect. So, wherever a girl comes in, we are there to meet her where she is and then help her achieve these goals. We have some of the best facilitators and instructors that work with us at a national and local level, and we have a sisterhood and a community that really understands the mission that we are working towards every day.

Learn More
If you want more information about A Girl and A Gun, you can go to And as always, check out and head to our “Perks” page for more information on the member perks available near you.

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