Law Shield Alert: BATFE Director Abruptly Resigns

B. Todd Jones resigned as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives today. The agency didn’t supply a reason for his sudden departure.

Law Shield can supply our members with a few reasons that might have prompted his departure: The agency has been involved with a string of debacles that included Operation Fast and Furious, Operation Fearless in Milwaukee, and, most recently, the XM855 ammunition ban attempt.

Nine days ago, gun groups began calling for Jones to step down or be fired after the agency under him proposed banning a popular ammunition type used in modern sport-utility rifles. The M855 controversy earlier this month brought a deluge of more than 90,000 public comments on the proposal, most of them in opposition. It brought a majority of House and Senate members to send letters to Jones, also opposing the idea.

Jones was brought on board as acting director in 2011, and then was appointed to the post officially in 2013. There’s currently a bill in the House to dissolve the agency.

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