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Krav Maga | Facility Spotlight | Houston, Texas

Local self-defense education and 2A-friendly facilities are the lifeblood of our community at U.S. LawShield.

Today, we are excited to introduce our friends at Krav Maga Houston: a local branch in the self-defense discipline of Krav Maga, Krav Maga Houston has joined forces with U.S. LawShield to inform and prepare the community in instances of self-defense.

It all began 20 years ago, when founder and instructor CJ Kirk followed his love of Jiu Jitsu to Houston. One fateful night, while leaving a local restaurant, CJ was robbed at gun point in the parking lot – shattering his idealistic views of security and safety. Suddenly, his traditional martial arts training had no practical applications in this moment with an armed attacker, so CJ began searching for a solution to modern threats.

This led him to Krav Maga.

Krav Maga Houston

Led by the desire to teach others the art of real-world self-defense, CJ opened Krav Maga Houston. CJ works to take his students past the initial goals of fitness and combating feelings of helplessness to give them practical skill sets — including diversion tactics to avoid future conflicts.

Celebrating 20 years of empowering people, Krav Maga Houston teaches people how to take back control of their lives. As they continue to grow across Houston, CJ hopes to maintain the integrity of fighting with one’s will rather than one’s fists, and advocates education in conflict-diversion.

Krav Maga Houston is a place welcoming all to come and discover their own personal focus in life. The art of Krav Maga self-defense teaches mental, as well as physical, prowess. CJ shares:

“On a technical level, self-defense is starting at a point of disadvantage and bringing yourself out of it, and Krav Maga helps you learn to overcome this impairment and overcome your attackers, while also helping improve yourself — and manage discomforts to control your life. Some people join Krav Maga Houston to get fit, others to heal, but all will end up prepared.”

Advocates of Self-Defense

As a supporter of U.S. LawShield, Krav Maga Houston advocates for education in self-defense, especially in following the law. Understanding your rights as a victim and how to interact with the authorities will help you in your efforts to be the most prepared in moments of intense vulnerability.

Supporting businesses like Krav Maga Houston helps to promote education in preparedness and self-defense to everyone.

Tune into Kravology.com every month for the U.S. LawShield “Tip of the Month,” as Krav Maga Houston joins with U.S. LawShield to share tips and information focused on self-defense for all. By joining and supporting a local or national self-defense organization (or both) like U.S. LawShield or Krav Maga Houston, you can take the potent first step in protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your freedoms.

For more information about Krav Maga Houston, contact James at info@kravmagahouston.com and subscribe for FREE at Kravology.com.

The post Krav Maga | Facility Spotlight | Houston, Texas appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.