Texas is listed among the top states for lost and found guns, according to data from the National Crime Information Center.
Last year the ATF found and traced more than 21,000 guns in Texas, with Houston leading the way with the most recovered firearms. That’s among the highest in the country partly because of size and population, but also location. The figure does not include the reported lost or stolen firearms that are not recovered.
Aside from the obvious home burglaries, guns are often stolen from unattended vehicles. Criminals scout locations that forbid handguns from being carried into the building and target those parking lots, looking for weapons that are readily available or left in the open.
California just passed a law requiring weapons in unattended vehicles be in a locked and hidden safe or secured in the trunk.
If you drive around with a firearm, like many Texans do, consider investing in something to secure your gun in your car while you are away. Same goes for your home. A gun safe in either location might discourage the burglar with the added benefit of keeping the youngsters from getting hold of your guns.
Storing the guns properly ranks right up there with knowing how to effectively use them. It does you no good to be an expert in self-defense shooting if your gun is missing when you need it.
The post “It’s 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Your Guns Are?” appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.