Iowa Senate Candidate Purse-Carries 9mm

U.S. Law Shield doesn’t know if Iowa Republican senatorial candidate Joni Ernst will win her party’s  nomination in Iowa, and we’re not endorsing her. But she has one huge attribute we like: she carries.

Ernst is one of five Republicans vying for the nomination for the Senate seat currently held by Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, who is retiring. The primary is June 3.

In a Des Moines Register interview (now on her website) she said, “Those who know me well know that I carry a black purse everywhere I go. What many people don’t know is what’s inside: a Smith & Wesson 9mm and my concealed carry permit.”

She also said, “As a battalion commander in the Iowa Army National Guard, I am trained and qualified not only on the 9mm, but on the M16 as well. Further, my husband and I are both lifetime National Rifle Association members, and I was proud to receive their ‘A’ rating for my commitment to protect the rights of Iowa gun owners.”

She’s best known for her ad about cutting pork in Washington.


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