Local 2A-friendly facilities are the lifeblood of our program and our communities. These businesses and organizations provide a unique opportunity for us to meet and get to know our U.S. LawShield member family in a welcoming, responsible, gun-friendly environment. This week, we’re taking a look at A & S Indoor Pistol Range and what they can offer you as a local 2A leader in your community.
A & S Indoor Pistol Range
617 Overhead Bridge Road
Youngwood, PA 15697
The Pistol Range
Open to the public, A & S Indoor Pistol Range is all about community, family, and fun. You are sure to find a group to shoot with at this facility. They offer classes for girls and their guns or boys and their toys. Youths starting at age 12 are welcome to shoot with an adult 21 or older. Everyone can gain confidence by practicing at the pistol range.
No matter your experience, you will enjoy the climate-controlled environment, the dual bays, and electric target retrievals when at A & S Indoor Pistol Range.
A & S Indoor Pistol Range also provides hands-on training. Classes include basic pistol shooting classes, NRA Personal Protection in the Home, and Concealed Carry Class.
Meet the Owners
Todd and Jennifer Emerson purchased A & S Indoor Pistol Range on October 29, 2004. For over 13 years, the Emersons successfully managed A & S and continue to create an environment that is welcoming to all gun enthusiasts, men, women, and youths, from the beginner to the experienced shooter. Todd and Jennifer pride themselves on bringing you an education facility that is safe, fun, and family-friendly.
Supporting businesses like A & S Indoor Pistol Range helps promote the rights of responsible gun owners across your community. For more information about A & S Indoor Pistol Range, make sure to call 724-925-1212 or visit their website at http://www.indoorpistolrange.com.
The post Facility Spotlight: A&S Indoor Pistol Range appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.