Can I Carry at Work in Missouri?

Most of us go to work as part of our daily routine, whether it’s Monday through Friday or on the weekends. We travel to work, we come home from work, but we want to make sure that we feel safe while we’re at work. The question arises as to whether or not we can carry or should carry firearms at work. There’s a couple of considerations to evaluate before you make your own decision about whether or not you’re going to carry at work.

Is it legal?
If it’s not legal, don’t do it. There are a number of prohibited places in Missouri in which it is illegal to carry a firearm. Those prohibited places include airports, schools, places of worship, bars, gated amusement parks, sporting events, and hospitals. The law has said you cannot carry in one of these places. So, whether you’re a government employee or a private employee, be sure first that it’s not illegal to carry at work.

Is there a company policy against firearms?
When you go to work, you’re normally entering on private property. That means your employer does have the right to decide whether or not firearms are permitted. Most companies will have a company policy that clearly states whether or not firearms are allowed in the workplace. Find out what that policy is. If your place of work does not have a policy, check with your boss or check with the management.

If you have any questions about firearms and your job, call U.S. LawShield and ask to speak to an Independent Program Attorney today.

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