A Heavy Load: Carrying a Long Gun in Missouri

The following is a video transcript.

Some states make it particularly difficult to carry long guns. This is not so in Missouri. The State of Missouri does not restrict the open carry of long guns throughout the state, except in certain prohibited areas that apply to all firearms. Examples include:

  • schools;
  • bars;
  • government buildings;
  • amusement parks; and
  • other restricted areas, including private property where proper signage is posted.


Municipalities may enact laws restricting the open carry of firearms. If you are a Missouri Concealed Carry Permit holder, your right to open carry preempts local ordinances. If you have a proper carry permit, you can open carry your long gun anywhere in the state, except in prohibited areas. Sometimes, the open carry of a firearm prompts nervous citizens to call the police. In order to avoid unnecessary encounters with law enforcement, be sensitive to local customs and expectations.

For more information about carrying a long gun in the State of Missouri, call U.S. LawShield and ask to speak with your Independent Program Attorney.

The post A Heavy Load: Carrying a Long Gun in Missouri appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.